
FREE Report:  7 Keys to Wake Up Your Sex Life Now and Forever

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Meet Maci

When people ask about my interest in sex, I admit the transformational aspect turns me on most. Every area of life is complicated, and sex is no exception. My mission is to help couples heal their eros wounds – as allies and mindful partners. I love bringing my skills in working with mindfulness and the body to support renewed pleasure, connection, and growth. 
While I tend to play it safe physically (No extreme sports for me!), I usually lean into places of contact that are edgy but potentially creative and transformational. Here’s where sex comes in. The opportunities to expand spiritually, emotionally, and relationally are all rolled into the erotic package. Why? Because the nakedness of sex reveals our hopes and fears and shows us where we still have room to grow. 
It’s not always wild or extreme, but the “naked path” of Awakened Intimacy is heart-opening and courageous. As a mindful approach, Passion and Presence helps you make friends with the hard things about sex in a soft, gentle way. 
If you decide to take this adventure, know I am walking right beside you. Change spares no one, and our growth potential never ends. We can always discover more about our barriers to pleasure and expression and what we need to transform them. 
My career as a body psychotherapist and sex therapist gave me my tools, but traveling the naked path is my passion. I’ll help you access the gold in your thorny pain points and deepen your capacity to savor the pleasure. Guiding this work reminds me that being here is the doorway to magical moments, and mindfulness is the key.

The Journey to Passion and Presence®

As a Certified Sex Therapist with many tools to meet the complexities of committed relationships, I feel called to help couples harness the growth potential of Awakened Intimacy. We become more intimate and self-aware on this path because of challenges, not despite them. And we embrace the difficulties of erotic coupling with a curious and open heart.

The foundation of Awakened Intimacy is the gentle and curious spirit of mindfulness. Couples who practice mindful sexuality are typically less constrained by performance anxiety because they focus on what’s happening between them rather than on outcomes. They learn to attune to their felt sense and dispense with goals and limiting scripts.

You’ll take to this practice if you are willing to explore your inner life as you work on your erotic life.

I invite you to explore our offerings and to join us for a retreat when you feel ready. Learn more about Passion and Presence.

I’m eager to meet you!

Are You Ready to Begin Your Mindful Sex Journey?

You're in the right place.

Start with our Intro Retreat.

Intro Retreat


Gently “re-set” your erotic life — mindfully.