
FREE Report:  7 Keys to Wake Up Your Sex Life Now and Forever

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Exploring the Erotic Portal as a Transformational Path

Are you ready to embark on a professional journey that delves deep into the potential for profound growth within long-term erotic relationships? Welcome to our Certificate Training in Mindful Couples Sex Therapy, where we invite you to join us on an odyssey through the realms of intimacy and pleasure.

Discovering Beauty in Challenges: Igniting Your Erotic Vitality

In our society, we see intimacy challenges as obstacles to overcome. But what if we were to view them as gateways to deeper connection and heightened pleasure? By reframing our perspective on sex, we can transform moments of difficulty into catalysts for profound healing and personal growth.

Your Path to Growth: Three Levels of Exploration

In 2010, when I set out on this journey with Passion and Presence, I aimed to assist couples in unlocking the full potential of their intimate connections. I came to call this practice “Awakened Intimacy.” 

While many couples resonated with my vision, not everyone is ready to embrace the notion that sex can be a vehicle for awakening. Many people who seek help merely want better sex. Hence, I broadened my framework to comprise three levels that preserve the transformational essence of the Passion and Presence approach:

Level One: Mindful Exploration for Enhanced Intimacy

At Level One, we discover what truly brings us pleasure while releasing past traumas to pave the way for growth. Here, we delicately delve into each partner’s sexual operating system—an amalgamation of memories, beliefs, and expectations that shape their erotic experiences, often unbeknownst to them. It involves turning inward, shedding societal expectations, and reconnecting with our authentic desires. 

Level One also offers techniques to explore partner dynamics in real time. Instead of exacerbating issues with well-intentioned but misguided attempts at improvement, partners learn to identify and address the hidden vulnerabilities underlying their conflicts, shifting focus from blame to understanding.

Level Two: Cultivating Confidence in Sexual Engagement

Moving to Level Two, we equip couples with techniques to overcome fear and avoidance of sex, which naturally arise once problems set in. Partners are encouraged to pause and adjust instead of pushing through moments of difficulty, such as feeling disconnected or triggered. 

Crucially, Level Two emphasizes teamwork, wherein couples collaborate to co-design healing experiences that counteract past wounds or unpleasant memories, capitalizing on the potential to uncouple now from then.

Level Three: Embracing the Transformational Path of Awakened Intimacy

In Level Three, the “Awakened Intimacy” vision guides our journey—a path where every challenge becomes an opportunity for growth and awakening. As we anchor into the understanding that challenge and growth are handmaidens, we recognize that long-term intimacy is rife with opportunities to transform outdated beliefs and mindsets that present as “pain points.” Instead of viewing such difficulties as obstacles, practitioners can help partners perceive them as gateways to deeper connection, pleasure, and self-discovery.

Why Join Us: The Mindful Couples Sex Therapy Certificate Training

If you’re prepared to explore the depths of intimacy and awakening with us, I extend a warm invitation to join our upcoming training program. Our certificate training is the perfect opportunity to venture into a new realm of practice or adopt a fresh approach to couples therapy. It equips you with the tools, framework, and support to address a broad spectrum of issues in long-term relationships, such as low desire, boredom, shame, power struggles, infidelity, and more.

Ready to Begin Your Journey?

Visit our website to learn more and reserve your spot today. Together, let’s embark on a journey of erotic transformation where every moment holds the promise of profound growth and connection.



Maci Daye, Creator of the Passion and Presence Mindful Couples Sex Therapy Certificate Training.








Now available! Awaken your mindful sensuality and reconnect with your partner with Passion and Presence.


Are You Ready to Begin Your Mindful Sex Journey?

You're in the right place.

Start with our Intro Retreat.

Intro Retreat


Gently “re-set” your erotic life — mindfully.